Cultural Humility Resources
Practicing Cultural Humility (video 3:42) Cultural humility is an ongoing, lifelong process of self-reflection about how social identity and experiences are shaped by systems of oppression, power and privilege. Recognizing these concepts can support tutors in becoming better mentors, including implementing strategies to be there for young people.
Cultural Competency: What Does it Mean for Educators? (video 6:20) Academic experts from across the United States were brought together by the National Education Association to share their thoughts on the importance of cultural competency for today’s educators.
Racism Has a Cost for Everyone (video 14:12) Policy expert Heather C. McGhee, in her TED Talk, discusses how racism makes our economy worse — and not just in ways that harm people of color.
The Opportunity Gap and How to Close it (video 7:51) How can we tap into the potential of all students, especially those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds? This presentation highlights the personal, social and institutional challenges that keep students from thriving.
How to Overcome Our Biases (video 17:40) By looking closely at some of the subconscious attitudes we hold toward out-groups, this diversity advocate makes a plea to all people: Acknowledge your biases, then move toward, not away from, the groups that make you uncomfortable.
Practicing Cultural Humility when Serving Immigrant and Refugee Communities This article reviews a paradigm shift from cultural competency to cultural humility through the three tenets of cultural humility: lifelong learning and self-reflection, mitigating power imbalances and institutional accountability.
Being Antiracist Being racist or antiracist is not about who we are; it is about what we do. This article from the National Museum of African-American History and Culture provides fundamental concepts to help us learn, grow and strive to make unbiased choices and being antiracist in all aspect of our lives.
Culturally Sensitive Teaching Learn about asset-based pedagogies (teaching methods and practices that incorporate students’ cultural identities and lived experiences) and how to incorporate them into the classroom as tools for effective instruction.
What is White Privilege, Really? We begin with recognizing white privilege begins with truly understanding the term itself. In this article from Teaching Tolerance magazine, the author explores the concept, history and implications of white privilege and how we can unpack it.
Discussing Race with Young Children This article provides resources to open conversations with students and explores meaningful ways to engage in open, honest, frequent and age-appropriate conversation about race, racial differences, and even racial inequity and racism.
A Guide to Gender Identity Terms NPR, with support from GLAAD, has created a guide (including a glossary) providing a useful overview of gender identity fundamentals to help people communicate accurately and respectfully with each other.