Tutor Resources

We have assembled an extensive collection of resources to make the weekly hour as productive as possible. Resources include informational videos and articles as well as worksheets. Each title below links to a collection of resources for that subject.

IXL resources

This school year we are using the platform primarily to gauge students’ starting points and measure their progress at the mid- and endpoints of the school year. Data are shared with tutors to help develop and guide tutoring sessions; for example, you’ll see students’ reading and math levels. These resources explain the diagnostic process to support your student's learning.

Cultural humility

Cultural humility is both the awareness of one’s own cultural lens and identity and the ability to learn and uplift the cultural identity of others. This skill is critical in all areas of life, but especially in an educational setting in which a wide spectrum of cultures and identities is present. These tools will help to build an atmosphere of reciprocity and respect.

Behavior Management

Self-awareness, self-control and interpersonal skills are vital for school, work and life success. Learning to identify and work through difficult emotions can lead to more thoughtful decisions, positive relationships and academic success. We approach behavior management through Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to learn about emotions and show empathy for others.

Math Resources

You may find that foundational math concepts taught today are much different from how you learned math. Students are typically introduced to multiple concepts to solve problems with the option to use approaches that best work for them. These resources include a selection of resources that can help you develop your own math skills as well as math tutoring techniques.

Reading Resources

These resources begin with an article to help you understand the difference between reading difficulties and reading disabilities, and how to work with students in either camp. Also included are articles on how to motivate students to read.

Writing Resources

The ability to express one’s ideas in well-organized sentences, paragraphs and extended essays helps build foundational skills as students enter middle and high school. These resources provide a variety of activities and prompts to get your student writing.

Relationship Building

Creating a strong relationship with your student improves tutoring sessions for both students and teachers. These resources cover the importance of relationship building and provide activities to get to know your student in a respectful way.

Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset means being open to improving and seeing challenges as opportunities to learn. This mentality is different from thinking a person is either smart or not. With a growth mindset, a person is always learning and growing. A growth mindset praises the process to reach goals rather than offering simple praise words such as “great job.”

Brain Breaks

It’s normal for students to need breaks throughout tutoring sessions, especially following a full day of school. This section includes activities you can have in your back pocket when your student needs to refocus and get ready to learn.

why handwriting matters

Handwriting is intricately linked with various aspects of academic success because of the profound influence it has on students' reading abilities, written expression, language proficiency and critical thinking skills. Understanding how handwriting is an integral part of learning and cognitive development is one more way tutors can support students.

This page last updated December 7, 2023.

Do you have a suggestion for other resources tutors may be interested in? Let us know through the contact link below.